sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

A very interesting reading: The human genome

Soy estudiante de ingles y no es raro que tenga que realizar alguna que otra traduccion al español. He realizado muchas traducciones, pero ninguna me llamo tanto la atención como lo que voy a publicar a continuación. Espero que sea de su agrado.

The human genome

"Some years ago, a movie called Gattaca described a world where people were genetically modified to become physically perfect human beings. At that time, the idea of genetic manipulation was science fiction.

That was then! Nowadays, the development of technology has provided us with a new generatión of modern and high-tech advances wich unveil one of the greatest mysteries in biotechnology: the human genome.

What was the first surprising fact that two distinct teams of scientists found out? The quantity of genes in human beings is a little more than 30 000. Just compare our genes with those of a fly (13 000) or a worm (19 000) and the difference in number is not so big.

Thus, researchers have had to abandon the idea that the complexity in the animal scale is based on the number of genes. In contrast with other species the human genes have been very difficult to detect, since they are fragmented.

But quantity does not matter as much as the way they are used. The fragmentation of human genes make it possible to construct many different proteins out of the same genes by combining them in different ways.

Believe it or not, the human genome has 95 percent of "rubbish". Only approximately 5 percent consist of useful genes with instruction for the creation of proteins.

The data gathered from this 5 percent will enable scientists to fight against diseases such as cancer or AIDS. There are 1 100 genes already identified whose variations are directly related to 1 500 human diseases. Thankfully, scientists are experimenting with new technologies that will lead to unexpected discoveries. And this is just the beginning." (.)

Si pudiste leer esta lectura entonces te distes de cuenta que basicamente habla de los genes del h0mbre y nos cuenta algunos avances que se han logrado gracias a estos.

Eso a sido todo,
Saludos el editor.